God is faithful from generation to generation
13th Week in Ordinary Time: Friday 5th July 2019
Gen. 23:1-4,19; 24:1-8,62-67;
Ps. 106(105):1-2,3-4a,4b-5; Mt. 9:9-13 (Ps Wk I)
We can follow Abraham’s family from generation to generation. After so many years and countless adventures, Sarah and Abraham passed from this life. It was time for a new generation to carry the torch. The new generation was Isaac and Rebekah, and their story is equally interesting. We are part of a chain, linked to those who came before us and those coming after us. We should be grateful for our role and do our best to bless the next generation. And God is faithful from generation to generation.
Jesus called the most unlikely people to follow him — tax collectors and sinners of all types. Could he not have found ‘better’ people? Perhaps, but that is the point. He called ordinary people, just like all of us, and did extraordinary things with them. Jesus came to be our healer and teacher. The Church is not an exclusive club for perfect or holy people, but a school where we learn to love and to serve with humility and patience. We are all at different points in our journey, so we need to be tolerant and patient with ourselves and others.
Lord, grant me tolerance and patience.