
10th Week in Ordinary Time: Saturday 15th June 2019

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10th Week in Ordinary Time

10th Week in Ordinary Time: Saturday 15th June 2019

2 Cor. 5:14-21; Ps. 102:1-2,3-4,8-9,11-12;
Mt. 5:33-37 (Ps Wk II)

Following Jesus is not just ‘being good,’ but taking part in renewing the world and all humanity. Jesus remade the world, and anyone who lives in Christ is a new person for an encounter with Christ should transform us. Living always in Christ makes us his ambassador with a mission to continue his plan to reconcile the world to God and people to one another. That sounds like a very big job — and it is — but we are fortunate to have the power and strength of the Holy Spirit dwelling in our midst and within our hearts.

Our words are precious, and they have power. When we misuse them, we show contempt for God’s gift and we damage God’s work. In our own time, we are the victims of many lies and manipulative speech. Words have become very cheap. Jesus urges us to be trustworthy and honest people, so that when we say ‘yes’ or ‘no,’ people will believe us because of our reputation. We must always speak from the heart and with integrity. Let us speak words that heal, reconcile, and build up — when we do so, we are taking part in God’s holy mission.

Lord, renew my heart and mind.