10th Week in Ordinary Time
10th Week in Ordinary Time: Wednesday 12th June 2019
2 Cor. 3:4-11; Ps. 99(98):5,6,7,8,9;
Mt. 5:17-19 (Ps Wk II)
How shall we understand the 2 Corinthians passage for today?
One approach we can take is to look at what Paul says: i) about himself and other workers of the Gospel; and ii) about the old covenant and the new covenant.
About himself and others, he says they have been qualified by God to be the ‘”administrators of this new covenant” (v 6).
About the old covenant, Paul says it is a covenant of written letters (laws) engraved on stones” and brings death (vv 6-7). This is because before it, all of us are guilty as lawbreakers — since perfect obedience to it is impossible. The old covenant therefore administered “condemnation” (v 9), but it is a temporary covenant (v 11).
About the new covenant, Paul says it is a covenant of the Spirit and “gives life” (v 6). In this new covenant, we are reconciled to God through embracing the truth of Christ’s sacrifice for us on the cross, and through following the way of the Spirit of God. The new covenant writes itself on our hearts (Jer 31:33) and empowers us to keep it. It is a covenant that administers “justification” (v 9) and would “last forever” (v 11).
As people of the new covenant, let us continue to walk in God’s paths and truth.
Lord, we give You thanks for this new covenant.